How to Schedule a Post to Publish Automatically on Blogger

If you want to write your posts in advance and schedule them to publish later, Blogger makes it easy. Here’s how you can do it:

STEP 1: Create a New Post

Start by logging into your Blogger account. Click on New Post to create a new blog post.

STEP 2: Write Your Post

Write the content of your post as you normally would. Add images, text, and anything else you want to include.

STEP 3: Schedule the Post

Once your post is ready, look for the Post Settings on the right side of the screen. You’ll see an option that says Published on. Click on this option, and select Set date and time.

Schedule your post for automatic publishing on Blogger.

STEP 4: Choose the Date and Time

Pick the date and time when you want your post to go live. This is perfect if you want your post to be published while you're away or if you want to space out your posts.

STEP 5: Save and Schedule

After choosing the date and time, click Done. Then, click Publish. Your post won’t publish immediately but will be set to go live at the scheduled time.

STEP 6: Confirm Your Scheduled Post

You’ll see a small clock icon next to your post title on the Blogger dashboard, showing that it’s scheduled. You can also go back and edit the schedule anytime before it’s published.

Confirm your scheduled post on Blogger for automatic publishing.

And that’s it! Now you don’t have to worry about posting at a specific time. Blogger will handle it for you!

If you need help with anything else related to Blogger, feel free to leave a comment below! I’m happy to help!